Thursday, February 28, 2008

Hello, to everyone who ends up reading this! I guess my first post ought to cover a little about me and mine......even though the only people who will ever end up reading this are my own sweet family and friends and already know more than they'd like to about yours truly. Nonetheless, an intro seems rather obligatory.

I'm in my 30s.....and married to the Tech. The Tech and I have four children in our home right now. Sky -- our forever princess -- made us mommy and daddy through the miracle of foster/adoption. She's five going on twenty-five and the queen of the Kindergarten. The 3 Peas are 6, 4, and 4.....the sweetest sibling set you'd ever want to meet, and they've been in foster care with us for almost a year.

The Tech and I have been foster parents for four years, cared for and loved on 10 children so far, and are wanting to continue to build our family through adoption. This blog is going to chronicle our family, our day-to-day adventures, and our journey to the children that will complete our family.

The blog title comes from the words of Jesus about His blood being the new covenant. We are a family formed under the new covenant of grace...through the saving work of Jesus rather than through the tie of human blood.

I hope those of you who read here will enjoy following our lives and will comment often. Blessings!